Master The MRCP Paces Exam With Farz Academy

Once the candidate has successfully cleared MRCP Part 1 and Part 2 exams, they now are eligible to apply for MRCP PACES (Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) and secure General Medical Council Registration. However, there’s an important time frame to remember you must complete and pass the PACES exam within 7 years of passing your MRCP Part 1 exam.

These 7 years ensure that the knowledge is current and one can proceed with the medical career without any delays. If somehow the candidate is unable to clear the paces within this period he/she has to re-appear for the MRCP Part 1.

MRCP PACES Exam Structure

The MRCP Paces is the final MRCP examination, designed to test and assess the clinical skill of the candidate in a real-world setting lasting over half a day. It tests the ability to perform a clinical examination that demonstrates diagnostic, reasoning, and effective communication with the patient. Clearing the PACES exam requires more than just theoretical knowledge it also requires hands-on experience including:-

  • Taking thorough patient history
  • Conducting focused clinical examination
  • Communicate effectively with patients and colleagues.
  • Selection of treatment that can be done on the patient

Everything you need to know about MRCP PACES

The PACES consists of five stations mentioned below:-

Each of these clinical stations lasts about 20 minutes. A break of five minutes is given and another five minutes is given in stations 1, 2, 4 & 5 to read the clinical scenarios before the exam is started.

The candidate will be assessed by ten examiners, two at each station. For each of the eight encounters, the examiners will complete a checklist assessing a combination of skills. 

Each of these skills is assessed by the examiners

The examiner rates the candidate, with scores of Satisfactory (2 marks), Borderline (1 mark), or Unsatisfactory (0 marks). Examiners calibrate by reviewing the patient’s performance across all five stations to determine the criteria for a satisfactory grade.


Station 1 communication (10 mins) involves the candidate

  • To build rapport with the patient
  • Use of open and closed questions to gather relevant medical history
  • Pay attention to the patient responses and questions from the information they provide (if necessary)

Station 4 (Clinical Data Interpretation):- This station interprets how accurately the clinical data (such as lab results, and ECGs) are represented by the candidate.

  • The candidate must present the data accurately to the examiner.
  • Demonstrate how the data informs differential diagnosis and management plan.

In both of these stations, it is crucial to communicate effectively to demonstrate clinical competence. Marks are dependent on the examiner’s observation.


These two stations are designed in such a way as to assess how the candidate handles clinical problems by taking the medical history, performing the examinations, and communicating with the patient.

Features to keep in mind: 

During the 5-minute interval before the station, the candidate will be given written instructions, typically a short note or referral letter for the case. Each station allows 20 minutes with the patient:

15 minutes for history taking, examination, and discussion, followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers with a lead examiner.

Clinical System Examination

These examinations are known as physical examination encounters, 

  • It emphasizes the candidate to demonstrate comprehensive and correct physical examination techniques.
  • It tests the candidate’s ability to detect physical signs
  • Ability to construct a diagnosis
  • Ability to suggest appropriate treatment
  • Ability to treat a patient with respect and dignity.
  • The candidate will receive the instructions required before seeing each case.

The PACES evaluates the candidate’s ability to perform clinical examinations, take detailed histories, and effectively communicate with the patients. Success in this exam required a combination of strong clinical skills and clear communication.

Preparation should include practice in a real clinical setting.

The PACES Exam not only assesses technical knowledge but also the ability to apply knowledge in a practical, patient-centered context.

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